Open for projects
i am changed by you, a vast, unwavering, cataclysmic shift of perception so minor or so major i can no longer tell i think i am strong but then i cry
at the thought of you, your hands so small yet full of so much potential your eyes, wide, wandering and blue so small yet full of such understanding
you had arrived, not ready but ready we will teach you we promise
it’s your milk bottle thighs those translucent reflections of the blue within your eyes both limbs, littered with chocolate coloured marks marks that disappear when the light has turned to dark
it’s the shape of your knees those round dented pebbles that float across my sea of milk bottle skin that’s speckled with those dark chocolate marks that remind me of you
milk bottle thighs
my voice breaks whilst my eyes shake and out comes this water that’s not the out come that i thought about as i’m searching in the sand for you
my lungs gasp as the noises start i partake in a scream that’s loud it’s part fake but it’s still so loud as the clouds stop and they search for you
it’s wet now, whilst my eyes seize with tears so heavy and cold i do nothing but heave my mind away and prize them open to search for you
the cotton soft of skin to touch how long i kept our palms together
empty lungs
we each collect a piece of the other until all our pieces are shared or stolen we are jigsaws of ourselves built with pieces of people are we the same as we were or am i you all i know is i am yours
i become, pensive in december depending on the weather i get pensive in december
in the winter with my eyes wide deep breath, big stride the small hours of daylight contradicting my awake time
sleepless nights hold heavy eyes, they just stay wide like a deer, like my dear in the headlights barrelling through our night time waiting for the sunrise
ready to start again
love, our last moral outpost stood stoic, awash with a blazing fury these days when nothing means more to me than you and him, and us together nothing means more than love
our last moral outpost high up in the winds of change set fire, set a fire and watch it all burn witness what grows from the ashes nothing means more than love